Friday, April 15, 2011


My last post was on 2009?? Lama gila. Today is 16th April 2011, 10:45 a.m and I'm still sleepy -.- Yea, didn't get much sleep last night watching movies on my laptop. I downloaded all the movies that i wan't to watch. I know it's wrong to download movies but, nak buat macam mana, duit nak cari mano, kan? Malas la asyik mintak duit je kat IBU BAPA KU yang tersayang. HAHA. This year is my FINALL YYEAAARRR!!!! JYEAHHH!!! But there's one "ROAD BLOCK" and that is EESSSSPPIIIIIIYYEEMMMM!! Well it's pronounced like that but I like typing the words how I pronounced :] And yeah, tahun ni kena ALL OUTT!!!! Belajar gila-gila. Bukan sampai kena sawan, belajar lewat malam la. HADOI. But what to do, it's life, SO GET USE TO IT HONEYY!!!! Kayh, I think that's it. TOODLES!

Monday, September 14, 2009

first time BLUR =.=

SUP!! hakim's the name. you can call me kim. errmm..... =.= . well i think thats all folks!! ITS ALL ABOUT ROCK N ROLL, FAGS(RcKBnD) Photobucket